Thursday, April 9, 2009

Creativity is something inborn and can never be taught, True or False?

9 April 2009
I think that creativity is something that can never be taught. Creativity is something that is inside you. My mother is creative even though she does not go for special classes. Some people can draw things from a point of view that is different from other people. People can draw things which is very clear and accurate but some can draw things which are just scribbles, but to them it is art. My sister went to an art museum but she could not understand what the artist was trying to express in the painting even after looking at the art piece for a long time. So that is why I think creativity cannot be taught.

Friday, April 3, 2009

What is courtesy to me

3 April 2009
To me courtesy is being polite, kind. I think that if everyone pratisces courtesy more frequent, the world would be a wonderful place to live in. Drivers would be more polite and not cut into other people's lane rashly. When people bump into each other they could say sorry instead of just walking away without saying a word.